Sheikh Saadi Quotes
1. "The rose's rarest essence lives in the thorns."
Explanation: Sometimes, beauty can be found in the most unexpected places.
2. "The mirror is a worthless invention if it doesn't show you what you already know in your soul."
Explanation: True self-reflection comes from within, and external sources may not always provide an accurate reflection.
3. "If you want your heart to be bright, you must do a little exercise. You must get rid of your fears."
Explanation: To achieve happiness and peace, it is important to overcome our fears and worries.
4. "Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste."
Explanation: Taking the time and care in the things we do will ultimately lead to better results.
5. "If you see a friend without a smile, give him one of yours."
Explanation: The act of kindness and sharing happiness can have a positive impact on those around us.
Sheikh Saadi Quotes in Urdu
6. "جو تو دوست کو جانتا ہے، دُنیا بھر میں اُسے کوئی دُشمن نہیں ملتا"
Translation: "The one who knows how to be a true friend, finds no enemies in the world."
7. "کتاب وحی قرآنست، جامعہ تسلیت روحانی"
Translation: "The book of revelation is the Quran, and the mosque is the place of spiritual comfort."
8. "شک نہیں کہ تیغ ستیز بر ہم نیست، لیکن خود راضی رہو تو ہیں سب سے بڑے ہم ویرانی"
Translation: "There is no doubt that the sword is powerful, but those who are content with themselves are the greatest of all ruins."
9. "محبت کرنا آسان ہے، لیکن محبت کرنے کی صلاحیت ہونا مشکل ہے"
Translation: "Loving is easy, but having the ability to love is difficult."
10. "جس نے تجھے بے غرضی سے مدد کی، اسے ہرگز نہ بھولو کبھی"
Translation: "Never forget the one who helped you selflessly."
Sheikh Saadi Quotes in Hindi
11. "जो दोस्त को जानता है, उसे दुनिया में कोई दुश्मन नहीं मिलता।"
Translation: "The one who knows his friend, finds no enemy in the world."
12. "खुदा की बनाई हुई चीजों में आवाज़ नहीं होती, उनकी समझ और विवेक होता है।"
Translation: "God's creations do not have a voice, they have understanding and wisdom."
13. "मोहब्बत करना आसान होता है, लेकिन मोहब्बत करने की क्षमता होना मुश्किल होता है।"
Translation: "It is easy to love, but it is difficult to have the ability to love."
14. "अपने शरीर को संभालो, क्योंकि यह तुम्हारा मंदिर है।"
Translation: "Take care of your body, because it is your temple."
15. "मुश्किल का मुकाबला करो, नाकाम होने से बेहतर है।"
Translation: "Face the difficulties, it is better than being unsuccessful."
I hope you love Sheikh Saadi's Quotes in Urdu.